What are the Payment Terms?

Standard Payment Terms Applied

  1. Upon purchasing and using the Talent Garden Products, the Client is required to pay the consideration identified in the Order in the manner set forth therein. 
  2. Except as provided for in the Order, all consideration payable by the Client is net of VAT, if due, as well as any additional tax applicable.
  3. Payments shall be remitted by the Client within 5 (five) days of the date on which the payment request is issued by Talent Garden. Where applicable, Talent Garden reserves the right to charge late payment interest, as provided for by legislation and subject to local restrictions, on the balance falling due.
  4. Every payment remitted to Talent Garden must be made through SEPA (Sepa Direct Debit Core) with an order compiled for direct debit to the account or Credit Card indicated by the Client. Other methods of payment must be authorised by Talent Garden and administrative costs of up to 50.00 (fifty) Euro may be charged for every invoice issued.
  5. In the event that the Order is placed online, the payment may be made through a secure payment system provided by third parties (for example Stripe). For all information on payment authorisation and the related conditions, the client should consult the website and/or APP page dedicated to the specific matter.
  6. The Client warrants and accepts that the payment systems provided by third parties may be subject to suspension, restrictions, delays and other problems pertaining to the use of Internet and, more generally, to electronic communication systems and/or issues beyond Talent Garden’s control and relating to the Internet network or to the operator. In such cases Talent Garden incurs no liability for any delays, non-delivery or other loss or damage arising as a consequence of the aforementioned issues. In such cases, Talent Garden may also provide the Client with alternative payment solutions. It is agreed that the Client shall be required to pay the consideration indicated in the Order in full.
  7. In the event of non-payment or delayed payment of any sums due and payable under the terms of the agreement, the acceleration clause shall automatically come into effect and Talent Garden shall be entitled to demand that the Client pay late payment interest at the rate provided for under applicable legislation on the sums due to Talent Garden. In such case Talent Garden shall also be entitled to immediately suspend performance under the agreement (and, accordingly, also to suspend the provision of services) and/or to terminate the agreement early by means of a simple written notice pursuant to article 1456 of the civil code. It is agreed that in all cases the Client shall be required to pay all sums due to Talent Garden for the services and products already used, specifically for the Membership products.
  8. Notwithstanding the provisions of article 1460 of the civil code, the Client waives its right to raise any complaints or objections without having first fulfilled its payment obligations pursuant to this article.