Alarm System & Safety

Alarm system working hours (TAG Cafè & Reception) Area:

      • From Monday to Friday: from 6 p.m..

      • During weekend: from Friday 6.00 p.m. until Monday 8.00 a.m..

During alarm system working hours the access to the campus spaces follows different rules.

The only active door is the one at the Basement Floor and the only available spaces are the Coworking areas and the Community Space. 

In order to leave the building is necessary swiping the badge, or push the Red Botton on the Basement Exit door. You have 60 seconds to close the door before the alarm kicks in.

Every surveillance interventions will be charged as follows:  € 50,00. In case the alarm will be triggered after the 60 seconds delay, it's necessary to swipe the badge and immediately call Talent Garden Calabiana Team to notify it. We will be obliged to charge the amount in case the alarm will be triggered by misuse.


Giorgio Caridà

  • +39 3478818096

Beatrice Castiglioni

  • +39 3351045815

Eleonora Ballerini

  • +39 3349584839