1. Help Center
  2. Privacy Policy
  3. Introduction to data processing by Talent Garden

Introduction and definitions

The “processing of personal data” consists of any operation involving information related to an “identified or identifiable natural person”. Personal data refers to all the information that Talent Garden has acquired and/or acquires in relation to your person and/or the person of your family members (to whom, if of legal age, this information must be provided, and regarding the communication of which you assume all legal obligations and responsibilities) at the time of establishing the employment relationship and throughout its duration.
Talent Garden is defined by regulations as the “Data Controller” because it determines the purposes for which information related to individuals is processed. These individuals are defined as “data subjects” and have the right to receive the following information about who we are, what personal data we process, why, how, and for how long. The Data Controller may sometimes engage other entities to process your personal data on behalf of the Data Controller. These entities will be referred to as “Joint Controller” pursuant to art. 26 GDPR.

"App" refers to Talent Gatden’s mobile application. "Sphere" refers to the web platform implemented and integrated with Talent Garden's website and App. Meanwhile, the term "Platform" inludes both the App and Sphere.

Curated Network" or "Community" refers to a network of users who can connect with each other. The user can choose to join the Community by entering the personal information requested during the onboarding phase within their profile on Sphere. Based on this information, TAG will send the user network updates, commercial communications related to your interests, reminders, and suggestions of users with similar interests, and therefore more compatible with their profile.
If the user does not want to be part of the Community, they are free to do not provide such data by clicking "skip" during the onboarding process. If you choose not to be part of the Community, your profile will not be visible to all Sphere users and will not be enabled for all services and benefits available. However, if you are part of the Community, your profile will be visible to all users, including those who are not part of the Community.