Common areas - Lounge and TAG Café


Community Lounge

The Community Lounge is equipped with a refrigerator, a microwave and a drinking water dispenser. Remember to bring your water bottle in order to use it.
It is important to keep this space always clean and tidy: throw away the garbage and clean the table from any food or drink residues after lunch.
Please use the common refrigerator only and exclusively to store food to be consumed in Talent Garden and not as storage. At the end of the week the refrigerator will be emptied.
In Community Lounge you can freely consume your own food.


TAG Café

The TAG Café is open from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 20.00 (hours subject to change)
You can also sit and work at the TAG Café, but the only food that can be consumed at Tag Café tables is the one purchased at TAG Café. The same rule is valid for the outside area. 
When it is time to set the table for lunch (12.30-14.30) we will ask you to free the table. The same applies to any opening at aperitif time (after 18.00).