Acceptable Use Policy

To ensure a high-performing and secure service for all members, we kindly ask you to read and adhere to our Acceptable Use Policy.

Network Services and Wiring

  1. Modification and Extension Restrictions:

    • The Talent Garden network services and wiring must not be modified or extended beyond their intended area of use.
    • The Talent Garden wireless network services and wiring must not be modified or extended beyond the intended area of use.
  2. Prohibited Installations:

    • It is forbidden to install hubs, switches, or any hardware or software devices intended to duplicate and/or share access to the Institute's network.
    • Installation of Wi-Fi equipment for sharing network access or resources of any kind is also prohibited.

Usage Restrictions

  1. Commercial Use:

    • The Talent Garden network cannot be used for any commercial purposes.
    • Providing Internet or Talent Garden network access to anyone outside the Talent Garden community for any purpose is not allowed.
  2. Account Security:

    • Your Talent Garden username and password are strictly personal. Do not share them or permit anyone to use the service on your behalf without explicit authorization.

Harmful, Deceptive, or Illegal Activities

The following activities are considered harmful, deceptive, or illegal and are strictly prohibited:

  1. Identity Misrepresentation:

    • Falsifying or misrepresenting your identity via email, username, password, or any other form of communication is a violation of the law.
    • This includes forging IP addresses or Ethernet adapter addresses to conceal your computer's identity.
  2. Unauthorized Access:

    • Any unauthorized attempt to access or interfere with another computer (on- or off-campus) and/or breach users' privacy is prohibited.
  3. Adverse Operations:

    • Using any part of the services with the intention of adversely affecting the operation or users of any computer system or network (including the Internet) is forbidden. This includes activities such as:
      • Denial of service attacks.
      • Web page defacement.
      • Port and network scanning.
      • Unauthorized system penetrations.
    • Using any part of the Services with the intention of adversely affecting the operation or users of any computer system or network (including the Internet); including denial of service attacks, web page defacement, port and network scanning, and unauthorized system penetrations.
  4. Violation of Laws or Regulations:

    • Violating any law or regulation (including, libel, slander, invasion of privacy, harassment, obscenity, child pornography, export laws and regulations, and infringement or misappropriation of another party's copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights).
  5. Unsolicited Communications:

    • Sending or publishing unsolicited bulk messages, content, posts, or communications in any form ("spam") is prohibited.
  6. Harmful Content:

    • Producing content that may be regarded as:
      • Harmful to others or Vodafone’s operation or reputation.
      • Contrary to a commercial agreement (e.g., breach of a non-disclosure obligation).
      • Abusive.
      • Obscene.
      • Deceptive.
      • A nuisance.
      • Fraudulent.
  7. Degradation or Interference:

    • Engaging in other activities that degrade or interfere with Service users or other connected services.

By adhering to these guidelines, you help maintain a secure and efficient environment for all Talent Garden members. Thank you for your cooperation.